Paddle boarding and travel go hand in hand. Every time you hop aboard your trusty SUP you’re going somewhere. Even if only just along the beach a few yards or round the next river bend. Discovering new places and locations is a perfect way to put your stand up paddle board to good use. Heading off to somewhere unfamiliar, with the hopes of finding paddling gold, is a goal many riders indulge in. At home or away there’re so many exciting new put ins just waiting for your arrival.
The last few years have made SUP travel tricky. Nevertheless, there’s always been a thirst for information regarding destinations. ‘Places to paddle’ remains one of the most popular internet searches and even at the height of COVID continued this trend.
McConks introduced its bitesize UK and international SUP travel guides a while ago. These articles were snapshot posts based on physical experiences if actually paddling the area in focus. Over time these guides have been added to making it a more extensive resource. As is such with website content like this vital information can sometimes be hard to find when there’s a lot of it. This is why we’ve been making a few tweaks to how discoverable these guides are.
On top of both the McConks UK and overseas bitesize travel guides, we also started rolling out SUP backyards articles. As we added to the location guide it became apparent clusters of nearby paddling spots fell under their own individual umbrellas.
For instance, there are bitesize guides focusing on the nuances and subtle differences of locations all within a few miles of one another. Whilst each put in has its own unique ‘personality’ there’s a reason to include these clustered locations in one easily digestible article. Hence SUP backyards was born.
SUP backyards take individual bitesize paddle boarding guides and groups them together in an area round up. For instance, the Bideford, North Devon SUP backyards post talked about several locations just outside of the town with links to each individual location write up within the article body. SUP backyards articles have also been added to the new McConks paddle board location map to give SUPers even more valuable information.
Moving forwards we’ll be adding more to the paddle spot guide – we appreciate we’re just scratching the surface with the guide. If you want to add your own SUP location info then get in touch. The more hands on experience and knowledge we have the better this resource will be.
You can find the McConks places to paddle page here. Happy SUPing!
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