Choose your blade
With an ever expanding range of blades, shaft thicknesses and handles to choose from, this is the ultimate pick and mix!
85sq inch teardrop
A small/medium teardrop blade. A good, lightweight and forgiving all round paddle shape for smaller paddlers or riders wanting a surf blade. If you don’t know what paddle size you need, this is it!
Available in 100% prepreg 3k carbon, or carbon with bamboo veneer.
Low aspect, subtle linear dihedral, 10 degree, rigid equivalent weight* 510gm.
93sq inch teardrop
A medium/large teardrop blade. A good, forgiving all round paddle shape for larger paddlers or riders wanting a medium/slow cadence blade for touring. If you’re thinking about either the smaller or larger teardrop blade, and you don’t know which is right, ALWAYS err on the side of caution and go smaller. Protect your rotator cuffs!
Available in 100% carbon, or carbon with bamboo veneer.
Medium aspect, subtle linear dihedral, 10 degree, rigid equivalent weight* 540gm.
83sq inch Race V
A small race blade. With a Scooped V double dihedral, this blade eliminates flutter for almost all paddlers. A great high aspect, high cadence race blade for ultimate race performance for paddlers up to ~75kg, or a great touring paddle for paddlers of any weight. If you’re not certain of your paddle stroke, then choose the 95 sq inch teardrop – this blade isn’t forgiving of a poor paddle stroke!
Available in 100% prepreg 3k carbon
High aspect, 8 degree, rigid equivalent weight* 480gm.
90sq inch Race V
A no nonsense race blade for serious paddlers. With a strong linear dihedral, this blade eliminates flutter for most paddlers. A straight cut side profile allows close blade placement to the rail, and the eight degree blade angle maximises the catch when you really hammer the power on. A great high aspect, high cadence race blade for ultimate race performance for the larger paddler, or a large touring blade for lazy paddlers. Can cause shoulder issues if you’re a smaller paddler and push too much power through without building up strength/technique first!
Available in 100% prepreg 3k carbon
High aspect, 8 degree, rigid equivalent weight* 510gm.
What size blade do you need? Use the table below to choose your blade size
*This is the weight of the rigid, one piece paddle +/- 10%. McConks 2 piece paddles are 100gm heavier than the rigid equivalent weight, and the switchblade is 190gm heavier.
^Not compatible with paddles other than McConks Switchblade.
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