Swedish winter SUP looks amazing. How do we know this? Well, take a look at Chris Jones’ images (which you can see more of in the McConks SUP community Facebook group here) and we think you’ll agree.
There’s something quite special about sunny blue skies, glassy water, SUP, snow and ice together. The whole thing makes for awesome visuals. And Chris knows how to capture the moment perfectly. With this in mind, and moving on from our recent post focusing on Mr Jones’ cold SUP and wild swimming shenanigans, we thought we’d put together a video reel featuring Chris’ photos.
If anyone’s looking for winter SUP inspiration or motivation then this is one to check out. Not only are the pics great it makes you want to get out and paddle. Even if it is ‘orribe out there sometimes. To be honest, through the mizzle and murk you can often find beauty. So it’s definitely worth grabbing your SUP board, paddle and taking a leaf out of this chap’s book.
Keep in mind SUP safety and all should be well. Enjoying winter paddling – perhaps the kind depicted in the accompanying vid – will make the off season disappear in the blink of an eye. Spring will have sprung soon but if you can make that happen quicker, all whilst enjoying the thing you love, then all the better.
Big up once again to Chris Jones for his awesome work. Keep the pics coming – we love ’em!
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