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WindSUP freedom – spring like conditions aboard the McConks Freedom windSUP 10’6.

Pics: Oli Lane-Peirce.

You can almost smell it…spring that is! It’s definitely in the air – not too much longer now. And with that the want/need to get afloat come what may. It’s no secret now, after previous articles and posts about the windier side of SUP, that McConks is big fans of blowier weather. But that doesn’t mean we want gale force all the time. In fact, for most who indulge in windSUP it’s about as mellow as paddling itself. (Just a tad more efficient than slogging into wind with paddle power alone).

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Light wind windSUP freestyle aboard the McConks Freedom 10’6 windSUP.

WindSUP doesn’t need to be extreme, as you can see in the accompanying pics. A gentle breeze – enough to move – is all you need. That and a sail (rig) and applicable board of course. Obviously McConks do inflatable boards with windy rig attachments in the form of our Go Free. But we also do a hard shell version called the Freedom.

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Backwards windSUPing on the McConks Freedom 10’6.

At 10’6 long it has enough glide to make use of the lightest of airs. The tucked rails help with tracking but without sacrificing manoeuvrability. Stability is a given, with perfect balance achieved between rig and board. Oh, and did we say it’s an adept paddler as well, accommadiating those inclied to flatties as well as wave SUP heads. Basically a Swiss Army Knife’s what you get with the McConks Freedom 10’6 meaning all weather’s doable for getting amongst it.

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No hands needed aboard the McConks Freedom windSUP 10’6.

Check out more info about the McConks Freedom here –

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