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SUP hack: Fenwick Ridley shows 2 iSUPs in 1 bag pack down demo.

Rolling inflatable stand up paddle boards does confuse many – it’s easy to get just one iSUP rolled wrongly. Making a meal out of it; grunting, panting and sweating (especially if the weather’s hot can be all kinds of frustration! It’s enough to have any paddler – even the calmest – chuck their toys out of the pram. So what about packing down two iSUPs into one bag? And long ‘uns at that! Impossible we hear you cry. Yet that’s just what the ever practical Fenwick Ridley manages to do in the following video.

Having shared a pic of rolling down a 14′ and 12’8 to the McConks SUP user Facebook group (become a member if you haven’t done so already by the way!) he was asked about sharing his knowledge further with a vid. Which is just what FR went and did. At the very least this shows a good technique of rolling one inflatable stand up paddle board (without sucking the air out) so is something to take note of. If you want to do the same as Fenwick has, and pack away two air boards in one bag, then it’s also worth a watch. Click the link to see the vid. And nice one Fenwick!

If you have any good SUP hacks you’d like to share with us then get in touch. And for those who want to see more tips and tricks then hit the following and have a browse –

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