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Scotland SUP Co – why we chose McConks.

Scotland SUP co | Why we chose McConks

We have chosen a McConks fleet for our business for a number of reasons, not just because we wanted to support a family business!

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SUP Instructor Will has a new helper.

First of all, the service that Andy and the team provide is brilliant, we found them to be friendly, professional and efficient. Secondly, after meeting Andy we knew the support he would give us and our business in way of social media and business and industry advice is something the larger companies couldn’t compete with.

When it comes to the boards! We can’t fault them, they look great, easy to use and stable. We have also found them to be very durable! Which is very important in the areas we hold our sessions.

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McConsk SUP paddling with canine friends.

We have 2: Go Anywhere 10”6, 2: Go Anywhere 10”8, 2: Explore 11”4 and 1 Go X Wild white water board which is a prototype that Will our instructor has been involved in the designing and testing. We are also looking to purchase some longer touring boards off McConks as we want to offer some touring expeditions around Skye in the future.

What we have learnt since purchasing our fleet is that McConks is forever improving and moving with trends and the industry. We really like the fact he asks our opinion and that of others in the industry when designing new boards.

We would highly recommend McConks to anyone looking for a white water board, a touring board or a fleet of boards, you won’t be disappointed by Andy and his boards!

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