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Olympian Aimee Fuller eFoiling along the Thames, London.

More and more we’re seeing eFoil stories hitting mainstream news platforms, such as this one from the BBC recently featuring Olympian Aimee Fuller flying along the Thames. As the article suggests eFoiling currently has a lot of traction, despite the price of eFoiling set ups being pricey. If you believe what you’re reading then this doesn’t seem to be as prohibitive as initial opinions may suggest.

It’s no secret that here at McConks HQ we’ve been loving our new eFoiling toys. When we decided to set up sister brand Fly McConks – dedicated to flying above water – we weren’t 100% sure about it. And getting our mitts on an eFoiling set up did take time as we passed the initial prototype units to riders that could already fly for feedback. Since messing about with electric hydrofoils ourselves, however, we can fully see the appeal. It’s just too much fun and easier than you’d imagine. After a short time we were up and getting short flights – and that goes for everybody that tried it. For sure, to get sustained ride height takes more practise but to actually foil isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

McConks eFoiling
Click the photo to see our recent eFoiling exploits!

So perhaps the BBC is right and eFoils will become a legitimate mode of inner city transport. We suspect the powers that be may have something to say though and wade in with their red tape. And top a degree this is right as any kind of foiling craft can be lethal if piloted incorrectly. And that’s to the rider and others close by.

You can read the story and see the video via the following link –

And if you fancy learning more about McConks’ eFoils then head across the here –

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