World Water Day 2024 will take place on March 22. An annual celebration of clean water the observance day highlights the importance of fresh water. In the times we live, with water quality in the headlines, World Water Day is especially key.
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World Water Day 2024 theme.
Each year World Water Day has a theme. For 2024 that theme will be ‘Water for Peace’. This will highlight the important role clean water plays in prosperity and stability across teh whole of the world.
It’s hoped that more awareness can be raised for the 2.2 billion people living currently without access to clean water.
Why does the observance day take place?
In 1992, during the UN Conference on Environment and Development (held in Rio de Janeiro) the day was proposed to recognise the need for access to clean water.
In December of the same year, the UN General Assembly adopted A/RES/47/193 to formally recognise March 22 as the official observance day for water cleanliness. Some of the focuses from past years include the following –
- Women and Water
- Water for Thirsty Cities
- Water and Disasters
- Water and Culture
- Clean Water for a Healthy World
WWD impact
Each March 22 WWD targets users through messages and publications via various means. The message is spread far and wide.
In 2021 the World Water Day campaign invited online users to take part in conversations about water quality. 6000 public conversations took place across over 140 countries on social media.
Water for P{eace highlights how water can spark conflict or quell it – depending on how it’s used. When water is scarce, polluted, or a combination tensions can run high. Unequal or no access to water will be discussed, and debated during 2024’s annual observance.
For more more about the day click the following link –
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