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SUP stereotypes: things you won’t hear a stand up paddle surfer say…

All tribes have their own lingo, ways of doing things and isms. You could argue SUP surfers are one of the easiest groups to spot in the way they dress, act and converse. One thing’s for sure, however, the following phrases won’t be emanating from SUP wave rider’s lips any time soon.

I live for knee high onshore slop!

The first thing I do when I get home is hang my wetty up.

I’d rather stay in the UK than head to Indo.

Point breaks suck.

I don’t mind the lineup is a zoo and bombed out.

I hate surfing in boardies.

Budgie smugglers (Speedos) are the way forward!

I’d rather be jet skiing.

The inside of my wetty boots smell sooo fresh.

Dude, it’s fine you dropped in on me, honestly. Have another wave.

A 40 min beach run to warm up is the way forward.

Living inland, away from the coast, is great.

I’d rather drive seven hours to the surf than reside in a seafront house.

Surf in the UK is so consistent.

Brown water surfing’s where it’s at.

Getting skunked is awesome!

That was an epic session! Right, time for an early night…

Howling onshores make SUP surfing so fun.

I’m glad I told everyone about my secret spot.

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Stepping on sea urchins toughens my feet up.

I like the additional challenge of having no deck grip.

Cracking the ice in winter, before surfing, is another way to practice the Wim Hof Method.

I should really be honest with my boss about bunking off to go ride waves.

Dinging my new SUP surfboard isn’t so bad.

Haven’t to walk miles, because there was no beachside parking, means I can enjoy some additional exercise.

Which way to the lake?

I don’t mind being yelled at and called a kook.

Nazare looks doable on a SUP.

What else do you think a SUP surfer wouldn’t say? Let us know…

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