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Freedom Unlocked: have you seen the McConks movie short?

You may have seen the snippet already from our social media stream – especially Facebook as it’s our banner movie. Some of you may have seen the full edit on the McConks website. We’re super proud with how the whole project turned. Put together by the one and only Carl Prechezer (yes, he who directed and co-wrote 90s cult surf flick Blue Juice) the McConks Freedom Unlocked edit perfectly sums up the McConks SUP brand as well as capturing Family McConkey, which is the main reason we started McConks stand up paddle boards.

If you haven’t seen it but fancy getting a little insight into McConks as well as (hopefully) gleaning some inspiration for your next stand up paddle boarding adventure then check it out below.

Big thanks to Carl from us as we’re super chuffed with how the whole thing turned out.


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