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eSkateboard review: McConks’ one wheel Skatewheel, tested!

eSkateboard one wheel ‘vehicles’ are certainly attention grabbing. Electrically powered craft of any type, to be honest, hold big interest. The feeling of gliding effortlessly, seemingly suspended, is certainly unique. It’s no secret Family McConks enjoy their one wheel Skateweels. We wanted our friends SUP Mag UK to take one for a spin though. With their experience testing lots of different watersports (and land sport) toys we knew we’d get some decent feedback. Here’s the review.

Family McConks Skatewheel riding.

Skatewheel one wheel testing.

‘I’ve been testing the McConks one wheel Skatewheel for a while now. I have to say that it’s a product that bought initial skepticism. I know plenty of people who ride one wheels and they all love them. Personally, I have a bunch of electrically powered skateboards at my disposal – the four wheel, conventional kind. And these bring me great pleasure. Whizzing about on a sort of hybrid unicycle didn’t do it for me as an onlooker. More on that in a while though…’

eSkateboard review McConks one wheel Skatewheel tested 5
One wheel Skatewheeling in a wetsuit? Why not!

Out of the box.

‘Out of the box and the McConks Skatewheel is a well manufactured piece of equipment. There’s a bit of weight to it but that equates to bombproof construction. The aesthetics of the Skatewheel are quite pleasant. The blue foot pads contrast against the darker hues of the chassis. A big doff of the cap goes to the standard offroad tyre. This allows riding over uneven ground and not having to rely on smooth tarmac surfaces.

eSkateboard review McConks one wheel Skatewheel tested 4
First time one wheeling with the McConks Skatewheel.

The McConks Skatewheel comes with a heavy duty charger and carry bag. Charge time is around two hours so it’s fairly quick to get set up and out riding. I did like the LED lights that sit in rows along the Skatewheel’s nose and tail. One set of white and another of red make it appear quite space age, in a practical night riding type of way. What wasn’t so pleasing is the annoying beeping that occurs when you switch the Skatewheel on or if it’s not level. But this is only a minor point.’

First time eSkateboard Skatewheel tips.

‘For any first time Skatewheel one wheelers it’s advisable to use a hand rail or sturdy surface for holding on to. This gives chance to acclimatise to how the Skatewheel starts. Placing your back foot on one pad riders then need put their leading foot on the second, press down and transfer all their weight forwards. Working on foot pressure as soon as you weight the Skatewheel it moves! Hence why having a secure handhold for first runs may be advisable. Be warned that if you rock back onto your trailing foot the Skateweel will change direction. It’s able to be ridden forwards and back, in switch or regular mode, depending on your dominant foot.’
First time SKatewheel rides – click the link to read the article.

‘After only a few short minutes most riders will be up and riding. Honestly, it’s a super quick exercise in getting to grips with how the Skatewheel works. I had both my kids dialled into within seconds.’

eSkateboard Skatewheel rides: child’s play!

‘Once you’ve learned the Skatewheel start it’s then a case of practicing sustained distance covering.’

Confidence and progression.

‘One of the Skatewheel’s beauties is how slow you can turn things down. With back foot pressure, you can come to an almost stand still and yet remain balanced between the middle wheel. This is the gyroscopic property of the Skatewheel making itself known. It’s also a great trait when riders need to turn a corner of manoeuvre 180 degrees.

eSkateboard review: McConks' one wheel Skatewheel, tested!
eSkateboard cruising with the wee man.

As you get more confident it’s time to ramp the speed up (slightly). You can move pretty rapidly with the McConks Skatewheel one wheel electric skateboard. A nifty inbuilt feature is you’re limited to 20kmh. Once you hit this the Skatewheel automatically back offs and slows down. You don’t need to be going any feature in my opinion. The feeling of speed is such that even half of the Skatewheel’s top speed feels rapid!’
From the water to concrete – click the article link for more.

eSkateboard Skatewheel carves.

‘One thing that really surprised me is how the Skatewheel carves. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a board you can stick on its rail. Yet the same movements employed when SUP surfing can be used here. And the Skatewheel’s reactive. I expected it to feel a little dead through the turn but thankfully it doesn’t. As such it’s a great tool for developing an understanding of rail to rail carving. And on that note…

Whilst stand up paddle boarding’s all about the paddle – in terms of defining elements – there’s no question you also need balance. The McConks Skatewheel one wheel eSkate is something you can use to improve this. In some ways, the Skatewheel is like a moving Indo balance board. It requires the same subtleties of weight distribution. The additional fun part here is you’re zooming about the place covering ground.’

McConks one wheel Skatewheel carves and cruising.

eSkateboard Skatewheel summing up.

‘For me, the McConks Skatewheel is a great flat day (when there aren’t waves) fun machine. Or, if I’m not in the mood to get wet then it’s something to bust out also. My kids love messing about on it and we’ve had some fun sessions. If you’re after a cool balance trainer, that gives additional fulfillment, or just a smile inducing modernist toy then McConks Skatewheel eSkateboard could be for you.

For more McConks eSkateboard Skatewheel product info hit the following link -‘

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